Source code for PrognosAIs.IO.Configs

import copy

from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk
import PrognosAIs.Constants

[docs]class config: def __init__(self, config_settings: Union[dict, None]): if config_settings is not None: config_settings = copy.deepcopy(config_settings) self.perform_step = True for i_config_name, i_config_value in config_settings.items(): setattr(self, i_config_name, i_config_value) else: self.perform_step = False
[docs] @staticmethod def get_step_type(config: Union[dict, None]) -> Tuple[bool, bool, dict]: if config is not None: if "type" in config: step_type = config["type"] if step_type == "image": perform_step_on_image = True perform_step_on_patch = False elif step_type == "patch": perform_step_on_image = False perform_step_on_patch = True elif step_type == "both": perform_step_on_image = True perform_step_on_patch = True else: raise NotImplementedError( "You have specified an unknown step type {}!".format(step_type) ) else: perform_step_on_image = True perform_step_on_patch = False else: perform_step_on_image = perform_step_on_patch = False return perform_step_on_image, perform_step_on_patch, config
[docs]class general_config(config): def __init__(self, config_settings: dict): config_settings = copy.deepcopy(config_settings) general_config = config_settings.pop("general", None) self.pipeline = [ "multi_dimension_extracting", "bias_field_correcting", "masking", "resampling", "normalizing", "rejecting", "patching", "saving", ] self.mask_keyword = "mask" self.max_cpus = 999 self.output_channel_names=[] super().__init__(general_config)
[docs]class multi_dimension_extracting_config(config): def __init__(self, config_settings: dict): self.extraction_type = None self.max_dimensions = -1 self.perform_step_on_image = True self.perform_step_on_patch = False self.extract_masks = False self.apply_to_output = False super().__init__(config_settings)
[docs]class masking_config(config): def __init__(self, config_settings: dict): self.mask_background = False self.crop_to_mask = False self.background_value = 0.0 self.process_masks = True self.apply_to_output = False self._mask_file = None self._mask = None ( self.perform_step_on_image, self.perform_step_on_patch, config_settings, ) = super().get_step_type(config_settings) super().__init__(config_settings) @property def mask_file(self): return self._mask_file @mask_file.setter def mask_file(self, mask_file: str): self._mask_file = mask_file self.mask = self._mask_file @property def mask(self): return self._mask @mask.setter def mask(self, mask_file: str): mask = sitk.ReadImage(mask_file, sitk.sitkUInt8) mask = sitk.RescaleIntensity(mask, 0, 1) self._mask = mask
[docs]class resampling_config(config): def __init__(self, config_settings: dict): self.resample_size = [0, 0, 0] self.apply_to_output = False ( self.perform_step_on_image, self.perform_step_on_patch, config_settings, ) = super().get_step_type(config_settings) super().__init__(config_settings)
[docs]class normalizing_config(config): def __init__(self, config_settings: dict): self._mask = None self._mask_file = None self.normalization_range = [0, 100] self.output_range = None self.mask_normalization = None self.normalization_method = None self.mask_smoothing = False self.apply_to_output = False ( self.perform_step_on_image, self.perform_step_on_patch, config_settings, ) = super().get_step_type(config_settings) super().__init__(config_settings) @property def mask_file(self): return self._mask_file @mask_file.setter def mask_file(self, mask_file: str): self._mask_file = mask_file self.mask = self._mask_file @property def mask(self): return self._mask @mask.setter def mask(self, mask_file: str): mask = sitk.ReadImage(mask_file, sitk.sitkUInt8) mask = sitk.RescaleIntensity(mask, 0, 1) self._mask = mask
[docs]class bias_field_correcting_config(config): def __init__(self, config_settings: dict): self.apply_to_output = False self._mask_file = None self._mask = None ( self.perform_step_on_image, self.perform_step_on_patch, config_settings, ) = super().get_step_type(config_settings) super().__init__(config_settings) @property def mask_file(self): return self._mask_file @mask_file.setter def mask_file(self, mask_file: str): self._mask_file = mask_file self.mask = self._mask_file @property def mask(self): return self._mask @mask.setter def mask(self, mask_file: str): mask = sitk.ReadImage(mask_file, sitk.sitkUInt8) mask = sitk.RescaleIntensity(mask, 0, 1) self._mask = mask
[docs]class patching_config(config): def __init__(self, config_settings: dict): self._patch_size = np.asarray([0, 0, 0]) self.pad_if_needed = False self.pad_constant = 0.0 self.extraction_type = "fitting" self.max_number_of_patches = -1 self.overlap_fraction = 0.5 self.perform_step_on_image = True self.perform_step_on_patch = False self.apply_to_output = False super().__init__(config_settings) @property def patch_size(self): return self._patch_size @patch_size.setter def patch_size(self, patch_size: list): self._patch_size = np.asarray(patch_size)
[docs]class rejecting_config(config): def __init__(self, config_settings: dict): self.rejection_limit = 0 self.rejection_as_label = False self.apply_to_output = False self._mask_file = None self._mask = None ( self.perform_step_on_image, self.perform_step_on_patch, config_settings, ) = super().get_step_type(config_settings) super().__init__(config_settings) @property def mask_file(self): return self._mask_file @mask_file.setter def mask_file(self, mask_file: str): self._mask_file = mask_file self.mask = self._mask_file @property def mask(self): return self._mask @mask.setter def mask(self, mask_file: str): mask = sitk.ReadImage(mask_file, sitk.sitkUInt8) mask = sitk.RescaleIntensity(mask, 0, 1) self._mask = mask
[docs]class saving_config(config): def __init__(self, config_settings: dict): if isinstance(config_settings, dict) and "saving" in config_settings: config_settings = copy.deepcopy(config_settings) config_settings = config_settings.pop("saving") self.use_mask_as_channel = False self.use_mask_as_label = False self.out_dir_name = "Samples" self.sample_npz_keyword = PrognosAIs.Constants.FEATURE_INDEX self.label_npz_keyword = PrognosAIs.Constants.LABEL_INDEX self.default_keyword = "default" self.named_channels = False self.impute_missing_channels = False self.save_as_float16 = False self.float16_percentage_diff = 0.1 self.combine_labels = False self.channel_names = [] self.mask_channels = 0 ( self.perform_step_on_image, self.perform_step_on_patch, config_settings, ) = super().get_step_type(config_settings) super().__init__(config_settings) self.perform_step = True if not self.perform_step_on_image and not self.perform_step_on_patch: self.perform_step_on_patch = True
[docs]class labeling_config(config): def __init__(self, config_settings: dict): config_settings = copy.deepcopy(config_settings) labeling_config = config_settings.pop("labeling", None) self.label_file = None self.train_fraction = 1.0 self.validation_fraction = 0.0 self.test_fraction = 0.0 self.stratify_label_name = None self.filter_missing = False self.missing_value = -1 self.make_one_hot = False super().__init__(labeling_config)