Source code for PrognosAIs.IO.DataGenerator

from typing import Any, Tuple, Union
import logging

import h5py
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_io as tfio
import scipy

import PrognosAIs.Constants
import PrognosAIs.IO.utils as IO_utils

[docs]class HDF5Generator:
[docs] def __init__( self, root_folder: str, batch_size: int = 16, shuffle: bool = False, max_steps: int = -1, drop_batch_remainder: bool = True, labels_only: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Generate data from HDF5 files to be used in a TensorFlow pipeline. This generator loads sample data from HDF5 files, and does this efficiently making us of TensorFlow dataset functions. The inputs and outputs are dict, which allows for easy us in a multi-input and/or multi-output model Args: root_folder (str): Folder in which the HDF5 files are stored batch_size (int, optional): Batch size of the generator. Defaults to 16. shuffle (bool, optional): Whether datset should be shuffled. Defaults to False. data_augmentation (bool, optional): Whether data augmentation should be applied. Defaults to False. augmentation_factor (int, optional): Number of times dataset should be repeated for augmentation. Defaults to 5. augmentation_settings (dict, optional): Setting for the data augmenation. Defaults to None. max_steps (int, optional): Maximum number of (iteration) steps to provide. Defaults to -1, in which case all samples are provied. drop_batch_remainder (bool, optional): Whether to drop the remainder of the batch if it does not fit perfectly. Defaults to True. labels_only (bool, optional): Whether to only provide labels. Defaults to False. feature_index (str, optional): Name of the feature group in the HDF5 file. Defaults to "sample". label_index (str, optional): Name of the label group in the HDF5 file. Defaults to "label". """ self.cache_in_memory = False self.TF_dataset = None self.augmentation_factor = 1 self.augmentation_settings = {} self.augmentors = {} self.data_augmentation = False self.feature_index = PrognosAIs.Constants.FEATURE_INDEX self.label_index = PrognosAIs.Constants.LABEL_INDEX self.repeat = False self.shard = False self.n_workers = 1 self.worker_index = 0 self.sample_locations = IO_utils.find_files_with_extension( root_folder, PrognosAIs.Constants.HDF5_EXTENSION, ) self.sample_files = [ IO_utils.get_file_name_from_full_path(i_sample_location) for i_sample_location in self.sample_locations ] self.example_sample_file = self.sample_locations[0] self.max_steps = max_steps self.memory_size = IO_utils.get_dir_size(root_folder) self.batch_size = batch_size self.shuffle = shuffle self.N_samples = len(self.sample_locations) self.drop_batch_remainder = drop_batch_remainder self.labels_only = labels_only self.dataset_attributes = self.get_all_dataset_attributes() self.hdf_dataset_names = self.get_dataset_names() self.feature_dataset_names = [ i_ds_name for i_ds_name in self.hdf_dataset_names if self.feature_index in i_ds_name ] self.label_dataset_names = [ i_ds_name for i_ds_name in self.hdf_dataset_names if self.label_index in i_ds_name ] self.feature_names = [ i_ds_name.split(PrognosAIs.Constants.HDF_SEPARATOR)[-1] for i_ds_name in self.feature_dataset_names ] self.label_names = [ i_ds_name.split(PrognosAIs.Constants.HDF_SEPARATOR)[-1] for i_ds_name in self.label_dataset_names ] self.spec = self.get_spec() self.possible_steps = int(np.floor(self.N_samples / self.batch_size)) self.labels_are_one_hot = self.get_labels_are_one_hot() if self.max_steps != -1: self.steps = np.minimum(self.possible_steps, self.max_steps) else: self.steps = self.possible_steps if self.labels_only: self.loader = self.label_loader else: self.loader = self.features_and_labels_loader
[docs] def get_spec(self) -> dict: """ Get the TensorSpec for all input features. Returns: dict: Maps the name of each input feature to the TensorSpec of the input. """ spec = {} for i_ds_name in self.hdf_dataset_names: dtype = self.get_dataset_attribute(i_ds_name, "dtype") shape = self.get_dataset_attribute(i_ds_name, "shape") spec[i_ds_name] = tf.TensorSpec(shape, dtype=dtype, name=i_ds_name) return spec
[docs] def get_dataset_names(self) -> list: """ Get the names of all datasets in the sample. Returns: list: Dataset names in the sample """ with h5py.File(self.example_sample_file, "r") as example_5py: ds_names = self._get_dataset_names(example_5py) return ds_names
[docs] def _get_dataset_names(self, h5py_object: Union[h5py.File, h5py.Dataset, h5py.Group]) -> list: """ Run through all groups and dataset to get the names. Args: h5py_object (Union[h5py.File, h5py.Dataset, h5py.Group]): Object for which to return the dataset names Returns: list: Dataset names in object """ if isinstance(h5py_object, h5py.Dataset): dataset_names = [] else: dataset_names = [] for i_key in h5py_object.keys(): dataset_names.extend(self._get_dataset_names(h5py_object.get(i_key))) return dataset_names
[docs] def get_all_dataset_attributes(self, sample_file: str = None) -> dict: """ Get the attributes of the features and labels stored in the file. Returns: dict: Mapping of the feature/label name to its attributes """ if sample_file is None: sample_file = self.example_sample_file with h5py.File(sample_file, "r") as hdf5_example: ds_attributes = self._get_all_dataset_attributes(hdf5_example) return ds_attributes
[docs] def _get_all_dataset_attributes( self, h5py_object: Union[h5py.File, h5py.Dataset, h5py.Group], ) -> dict: """ Run through al groups and dataset to get the attributes. Args: h5py_object (Union[h5py.File, h5py.Dataset, h5py.Group]): Object for which to return the attributes Returns: dict: Mapping between feature/label name and its attributes """ if isinstance(h5py_object, h5py.Dataset): ds_attributes = dict(h5py_object.attrs) ds_attributes["shape"] = h5py_object.shape ds_attributes["dtype"] = h5py_object.dtype return { ds_attributes} else: ds_attributes = { dict(h5py_object.attrs)} for i_key in h5py_object.keys(): ds_attributes.update(self._get_all_dataset_attributes(h5py_object.get(i_key))) return ds_attributes
[docs] def get_dataset_attribute(self, dataset_name: str, attribute_name: str) -> Any: """ Get the attribute of a specific dataset Args: dataset_name (str): Name of dataset for which to get the attribute attribute_name (str): Name of attribute to get Returns: Any: The value of the attribute """ return self.dataset_attributes[dataset_name][attribute_name]
[docs] def get_feature_attribute(self, attribute_name: str) -> dict: """ Get a specific attribute for all features. Args: attribute_name (str): Name of attribute to get Returns: dict: Mapping between feature names and the attribute value """ attribute = {} for i_feature_name, i_feature_dataset_name in zip( self.feature_names, self.feature_dataset_names, ): attribute[i_feature_name] = self.get_dataset_attribute( i_feature_dataset_name, attribute_name, ) return attribute
[docs] def get_label_attribute(self, attribute_name: str) -> dict: """ Get a specific attribute for all labels. Args: attribute_name (str): Name of attribute to get Returns: dict: Mapping between label names and the attribute value """ attribute = {} for i_label_name, i_label_dataset_name in zip(self.label_names, self.label_dataset_names): attribute[i_label_name] = self.get_dataset_attribute( i_label_dataset_name, attribute_name, ) return attribute
[docs] def get_feature_metadata(self) -> dict: """ Get all metadata of all features. Returns: dict: The metadata of all features """ feature_metadata = {} for i_feature_name, i_feature_dataset_name in zip( self.feature_names, self.feature_dataset_names, ): feature_metadata[i_feature_name] = self.dataset_attributes[i_feature_dataset_name] return feature_metadata
[docs] def get_feature_metadata_from_sample(self, sample_location: str) -> dict: """ Get the feature metadata of a specific sample. Args: sample_location (str): The file location of the sample Returns: dict: The feature metadata of the sample """ ds_attributes = self.get_all_dataset_attributes(sample_location) feature_metadata = {} for i_feature_name, i_feature_dataset_name in zip( self.feature_names, self.feature_dataset_names, ): feature_metadata[i_feature_name] = ds_attributes[i_feature_dataset_name] return feature_metadata
[docs] def get_number_of_classes(self) -> dict: """ Get the number of output classes. Returns: dict: Number of output classes for each label """ return self.get_label_attribute("N_classes")
[docs] def get_feature_dimensionality(self) -> dict: """ Get the dimensionality of each feature. Returns: dict: Dimensionality of each feature """ return self.get_feature_attribute("dimensionality")
[docs] def get_feature_size(self) -> dict: """ Get the size of each feature. The size only of the feature does not take into account the number of channels and only represents the size of an individual channel of the feature. Returns: dict: Size of each feature """ return self.get_feature_attribute("size")
[docs] def get_feature_shape(self) -> dict: """ Get the shape of each feature. Returns: dict: Shape of each feature """ return self.get_feature_attribute("shape")
[docs] def get_number_of_channels(self) -> dict: """ Get the number of feature channels. Returns: dict: Number of channels for each feature """ return self.get_feature_attribute("N_channels")
[docs] def get_labels_are_one_hot(self) -> dict: """ Get whether labels are one-hot encoded. Returns: dict: One-hot encoding status of each label """ return self.get_label_attribute("one_hot")
[docs] def setup_augmentation( self, augmentation_factor: int = 1, augmentation_settings: dict = {}, ) -> None: """ Set up data augmentation in the generator. Args: augmentation_factor (int): Repeat dataset this many times in augmentation. Defaults to 1. augmentation_settings (dict): Setting to parse to augmentation instance. Defaults to {}. """ ( "Setting up data augmentation with the following settings:\n" "Augmentation factor: {aug_fac}\n" "Augmentation settings: {aug_set}" ).format(aug_fac=augmentation_factor, aug_set=augmentation_settings) ) self.augmentation_factor = augmentation_factor self.augmentation_settings = augmentation_settings self.data_augmentation = True for i_feature_ds_name, i_feature_name in zip( self.feature_dataset_names, self.feature_names, ): self.augmentors[i_feature_name] = Augmentor( self.spec[i_feature_ds_name], **self.augmentation_settings, ) for i_label_ds_name, i_label_name in zip(self.label_dataset_names, self.label_names,): self.augmentors[i_label_name] = Augmentor( self.spec[i_label_ds_name], **self.augmentation_settings, )
[docs] def features_and_labels_loader( self, sample_location: tf.Tensor ) -> Tuple[dict, dict, tf.Tensor]: """ Load the features and labels from a hdf5 file to be used in a TensorFlow dataset pipeline. This loader loads the features and labels from a hdf5 file using TensorFlowIO. The outputs are therefor directly cast to tensor and can be used in a TensorFlow graph. All features and labels from the file are loaded, and a dict is returned mapping the name of each feature and label to its respective value Args: sample_location (tf.Tensor): Location of the sample file Returns: Tuple[dict, dict]: The features (first output) and labels (second output) loaded from the sample. """ # tf.strings.split doesnt work because we can then not use the # value of that tensor as an index for the dict. # Works in eager execution but not in graph execution. # if that works in the future, this can be replace as it is probably faster. # Maybe we can do something by loading each dataset, concatenating and then returning # the name as well. # This could be done using tfio.IODataset instead of IOTensor, but might # be complicated then with concatenation and such loaded_hdf5 = tfio.IOTensor.from_hdf5(sample_location, spec=self.spec) features = self.load_features(loaded_hdf5) labels = self.load_labels(loaded_hdf5) return features, labels
[docs] def label_loader(self, sample_location: tf.Tensor) -> dict: """ Load the labels from a hdf5 sample file. This loader only loads the labels, instead of the features and labels as done by features_and_labels_loader Args: sample_location (tf.Tensor): Location of the sample file Returns: dict: Labels loaded from the sample file """ loaded_hdf5 = tfio.IOTensor.from_hdf5(sample_location, spec=self.spec) return self.load_labels(loaded_hdf5)
[docs] def feature_loader(self, sample_location: tf.Tensor) -> dict: """ Load the features from a hdf5 sample file. This loader only loads the labels, instead of the features and labels as done by features_and_labels_loader Args: sample_location (tf.Tensor): Location of the sample file Returns: dict: Features loaded from the sample file """ loaded_hdf5 = tfio.IOTensor.from_hdf5(sample_location, spec=self.spec) return self.load_features(loaded_hdf5)
[docs] def load_features(self, loaded_hdf5: tfio.IOTensor) -> dict: """ Load the features from a HDF5 tensor. Args: loaded_hdf5 (tfio.IOTensor): Tensor from which to load features Returns: dict: Mapping between feature names and features """ features = {} for i_feature_ds_name, i_feature_name in zip( self.feature_dataset_names, self.feature_names, ): features[i_feature_name] = loaded_hdf5(i_feature_ds_name).to_tensor() return features
[docs] def load_labels(self, loaded_hdf5: tfio.IOTensor) -> dict: """ Load the labels from a HDF5 tensor. Args: loaded_hdf5 (tfio.IOTensor): Tensor from which to load labels Returns: dict: Mapping between label names and labels """ labels = {} for i_label_ds_name, i_label_name in zip(self.label_dataset_names, self.label_names): labels[i_label_name] = loaded_hdf5(i_label_ds_name).to_tensor() return labels
[docs] def apply_augmentation(self, features: dict, labels: dict) -> Tuple[dict, dict]: seed = tf.random.uniform([2], 0, 10000000, dtype=tf.dtypes.int32) for i_key, i_value in features.items(): features[i_key] = self.augmentors[i_key].augment_sample(i_value, seed) for i_key, i_value in labels.items(): if i_key == "MASK": labels[i_key] = self.augmentors[i_key].augment_sample(i_value, seed, True) return features, labels
[docs] def fits_in_memory(self, used_memory: int = 0): ds_size = self.memory_size * PrognosAIs.Constants.MEM_SAFETY_FACTOR return ds_size <= IO_utils.get_available_ram(used_memory)
[docs] def setup_caching( self, cache_in_memory: Union[bool, str] = PrognosAIs.Constants.AUTO, used_memory: int = 0, ) -> None: """ Set up caching of the dataset in RAM. Args: cache_in_memory (Union[bool, str]): Whether dataset should be cached in memory. Defaults to PrognosAIs.Constants.AUTO, in which case the dataset will be cached in memory if it fits, otherwise it will not be cached used_memory (int): Amount of RAM (in bytes) that is already being used. Defaults to 0. Raises: ValueError: If an unknown cache setting is requested """ if cache_in_memory == PrognosAIs.Constants.AUTO and self.fits_in_memory(used_memory): self.cache_in_memory = True elif isinstance(cache_in_memory, bool): self.cache_in_memory = cache_in_memory elif cache_in_memory not in [PrognosAIs.Constants.AUTO, True, False]: err_msg = ( "Unknown cache in memory setting {cach_set}" ", should be either True, False or {auto}" ).format(cach_set=cache_in_memory, auto=PrognosAIs.Constants.AUTO,) raise ValueError(err_msg)
[docs] def setup_sharding(self, n_workers: int, worker_index: int) -> None: """ Shard the dataset according to the number of workers and worker index Args: n_workers (int): number of workers worker_index (int): worker index """ self.n_workers = n_workers self.worker_index = worker_index self.shard = True
[docs] def setup_caching_shuffling_steps(self, dataset: -> """ Set-up caching, shuffling and the iteration step in the dataset pipeline. This function helps to ensure that caching, shuffling and step limiting is done properly and efficiently, no matter where in the dataset pipeline it is included. Args: dataset ( Datset for which to include the steps Returns: Datset with caching, shuffling and iteration steps included """ dataset = dataset.cache() # Lets go over the dataset to make sure that we cached everything # Otherwise it might be that in the first iteration we do not full iterate # Over the dataset, making our cache useless"Caching dataset") for _ in dataset: pass"Done caching dataset") if self.data_augmentation: dataset = dataset.repeat(self.augmentation_factor) if self.shuffle: dataset = dataset.shuffle( self.N_samples * self.augmentation_factor, reshuffle_each_iteration=True ) if self.steps < self.possible_steps: dataset = dataset.take(self.steps * self.batch_size) return dataset
[docs] def get_tf_dataset( self, num_parallel_calls: int =, ) -> """ Construct a TensorFlow dataset. The dataset is constructed based on the settings supplied to the DataGenerator. The dataset can then directly be used to train or evaluate a TensorFlow model Args: num_parallel_calls (int): Number of parallel process to use. Defaults to Returns: The constructed dataset """ if self.TF_dataset is None: dataset = if self.shard: dataset = dataset.shard(self.n_workers, self.worker_index) # If we dont cache the whole dataset in memory, we just cache the # file names, and perform as many steps before the data loading # as possible to reduce the loading times if not self.cache_in_memory: dataset = self.setup_caching_shuffling_steps(dataset) dataset =, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls) if self.cache_in_memory: dataset = self.setup_caching_shuffling_steps(dataset) if self.data_augmentation: dataset = self.apply_augmentation, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls, ) dataset = dataset.batch(self.batch_size, drop_remainder=self.drop_batch_remainder) if self.repeat: dataset = dataset.repeat() dataset = dataset.prefetch(num_parallel_calls) self.TF_dataset = dataset return self.TF_dataset
[docs] def get_numpy_iterator(self) -> np.nditer: """ Construct a numpy iterator instead of TensorFlow dataset. The numpy iterator will provide exactly the same data as the TensorFlow dataset. However, it might be easier to inspect the data when using a numpy iterator instead of a TensorFlow dataset Returns: np.nditer: The dataset """ dataset = self.get_tf_dataset() return dataset.as_numpy_iterator()
[docs]class Augmentor(object): """ Augmentor """
[docs] def __init__( self, example_sample: tf.Tensor, brightness_probability: float = 0, brightness_delta: float = 0, contrast_probability: float = 0, contrast_min_factor: float = 1, contrast_max_factor: float = 1, flip_probability: float = 0, to_flip_axis: Union[int, list] = 0, crop_probability: float = 0, crop_size: list = None, rotate_probability: float = 0, max_rotate_angle: float = 0, to_rotate_axis: Union[int, list] = 0, ) -> None: """ Augmentor to randomly augment the features of a sample. Args: example_sample (tf.Tensor): Example sample from which settings for augmentation will be derived brightness_probability (float, optional): Probability of augmenting brightness. Defaults to 0. brightness_delta (float, optional): Brightness will be adjusted with value from -delta to delta. Defaults to 0. contrast_probability (float, optional): Probability of augmenting contrast. Defaults to 0. contrast_min_factor (float, optional): Minimum contrast adjustment factor. Defaults to 1. contrast_max_factor (float, optional): Maximum contrast adjustment factor. Defaults to 1. flip_probability (float, optional): Probability of a random flip. Defaults to 0. to_flip_axis (Union[int, list], optional): Axis to flip the feature over. Defaults to 0. crop_probability (float, optional): Probability of cropping the feature. Defaults to 0. crop_size (list, optional): Size to crop the feature to. Defaults to None. """ self.sample_size = example_sample.shape # Minus 1 because last dimension is channel and we dont want to augment # those (they will be augmented all the same, not individually) self.n_dim = len(example_sample.shape) - 1 self.to_reduce_axis = tf.range(0, self.n_dim, 1) self.brightness_probability = brightness_probability self.brightness_delta = brightness_delta self.contrast_probability = contrast_probability self.contrast_min = contrast_min_factor self.contrast_max = contrast_max_factor self.flip_probability = flip_probability if isinstance(to_flip_axis, list): self.to_flip_axis = to_flip_axis elif isinstance(to_flip_axis, int): self.to_flip_axis = [to_flip_axis] self.crop_probability = crop_probability if crop_size is None: self.crop_size = [0, 0, 0] else: self.crop_size = crop_size self.rotate_probability = rotate_probability self.max_rotate_angle = max_rotate_angle if isinstance(to_rotate_axis, list): self.to_rotate_axis = to_rotate_axis else: self.to_rotate_axis = [to_rotate_axis]
[docs] def get_seed(self) -> tf.Tensor: """ Get a random seed that can be used to make other operation repeatable. Returns: tf.Tensor: The seed """ return tf.random.uniform([], 0, tf.dtypes.int32.max - 1, dtype=tf.dtypes.int32)
[docs] def apply_augmentation(self, augmentation_probability: float, seed: tf.Tensor = None) -> bool: """ Whether the the augmentation step should be applied based on the probability. Args: augmentation_probability (float): The probability with which the step should be applied seed (tf.Tensor): Seed to make operation repeatable. Defaults to None. Returns: bool: Whether the step should be applied """ if seed is not None and isinstance(seed, tf.Tensor): return ( tf.random.stateless_uniform([], seed, 0, 1, dtype=tf.float32) < augmentation_probability ) else: return tf.random.uniform([], 0, 1, dtype=tf.float32) < augmentation_probability
[docs] def random_brightness(self, sample: tf.Tensor, seed: tf.Tensor = None) -> tf.Tensor: """ Randomly adjusts the brightness of a sample. Brightness is adjusted by a constact factor over the whole image, drawn from a distribution between -delta and delta as set during the initialization of the augmentator. Args: sample (tf.Tensor): Sample for which to adjust brightness. seed (tf.Tensor): Seed to make operation repeatable. Defaults to None. Returns: tf.Tensor: The augmented sample. """ if self.apply_augmentation(self.brightness_probability, seed): sample += tf.random.stateless_uniform( [], seed, -self.brightness_delta, self.brightness_delta, dtype=sample.dtype, ) return sample
[docs] def random_contrast(self, sample: tf.Tensor, seed: tf.Tensor = None) -> tf.Tensor: """ Randomly adjust the contrast of a sample. The contrast is adjusted by keeping the mean of the sample the same as for the original sample, and squeezing or expending the distribution of the intensities around the mean. The amount of squeezing or expanding is randomly drawn from the minimum and maximum contrast set during initialization. Args: sample (tf.Tensor): Sample for which to adjust contrast seed (tf.Tensor): Seed to make operation repeatable. Defaults to None. Returns: tf.Tensor: The augmented sample """ if self.apply_augmentation(self.contrast_probability, seed): contrast_factor = tf.random.stateless_uniform( [], seed, self.contrast_min, self.contrast_max, dtype=sample.dtype ) sample_mean = tf.math.reduce_mean(sample, axis=self.to_reduce_axis) sample = (sample - sample_mean) * contrast_factor + sample_mean return sample
[docs] def random_flipping(self, sample: tf.Tensor, seed: tf.Tensor = None) -> tf.Tensor: """ Randomly flip the sample along one or multiple axis. Args: sample (tf.Tensor): Sample for which to apply flipping seed (tf.Tensor): Seed to make operation repeatable. Defaults to None. Returns: tf.Tensor: The augmented sample """ for i_flip_axis in self.to_flip_axis: if self.apply_augmentation(self.flip_probability, seed + i_flip_axis): sample = tf.reverse(sample, [i_flip_axis]) return sample
[docs] def random_cropping(self, sample: tf.Tensor, seed: tf.Tensor = None) -> tf.Tensor: """ Randomly crop a part of the sample. The crop will have the size of the crop size defined upon initialization of the augmentator. The crop will happen for all channels in the same way, but will not crop out channels. The location of the crop will be randomly drawn from throughout the whole image. Args: sample (tf.Tensor): The sample to be cropped seed (tf.Tensor): Seed to make operation repeatable. Defaults to None. Returns: tf.Tensor: The augmented sample """ if self.apply_augmentation(self.crop_probability, seed): crop_start = [] for i_dim in range(self.n_dim): dim_seed = seed + i_dim crop_start.append( tf.random.stateless_uniform( [], dim_seed, 0, tf.shape(sample)[i_dim] - self.crop_size[i_dim], dtype=tf.int32, ), ) # Need to make sure we do not crop channels crop_start.append(tf.constant(0)) crop_size = self.crop_size + [tf.shape(sample)[-1]] sample = tf.slice(sample, crop_start, crop_size) return sample
def _random_rotate(self, feature, seed, to_rotate_axis, interpolation_order): seed = seed + tf.cast(to_rotate_axis, seed.dtype) all_axis = tf.range(0, tf.rank(feature) - 1) np.random.seed(seed) angle = np.random.uniform(-self.max_rotate_angle, self.max_rotate_angle) rotation_axis = np.setdiff1d(all_axis, to_rotate_axis) feature = scipy.ndimage.rotate( feature, angle, reshape=False, order=interpolation_order, axes=rotation_axis ) return feature def _rotate(self, feature, angle, interpolation_order, axis): return scipy.ndimage.rotate( feature, angle, reshape=False, order=interpolation_order, axes=axis, )
[docs] def random_rotate( self, feature: tf.Tensor, seed: tf.Tensor = None, interpolation_order: int = 3 ) -> tf.Tensor: all_axis = tf.range(0, tf.rank(feature) - 1) for i_to_rotate_axis in self.to_rotate_axis: axis_seed = seed + i_to_rotate_axis if self.apply_augmentation(self.rotate_probability, axis_seed): angle = tf.random.stateless_uniform( [], axis_seed, -self.max_rotate_angle, self.max_rotate_angle, dtype=tf.float32, ) rotation_axis, _ = tf.compat.v1.setdiff1d(all_axis, tf.constant([i_to_rotate_axis])) feature = tf.numpy_function( self._rotate, [feature, angle, interpolation_order, rotation_axis], feature.dtype, ) return feature
[docs] def pad_to_original_size(self, sample: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """ Pad back a (potentially) augmented sample to its original size. Args: sample (tf.Tensor): The sample to pad Returns: tf.Tensor: The padded sample with the same size as before any augmentation steps """ sample_size = tf.shape(sample) required_paddings = [ [tf.math.ceil((m - sample_size[i]) / 2), tf.math.floor((m - sample_size[i]) / 2)] for (i, m) in enumerate(self.sample_size) ] return tf.pad(sample, required_paddings)
[docs] def augment_sample(self, sample: tf.Tensor, seed=None, is_mask=False) -> tf.Tensor: """ Apply random augmentations to the sample based on the config. Args: sample (tf.Tensor): sample to be augmented Returns: tf.Tensor: augmented sample """ if not is_mask: sample = self.random_brightness(sample, seed) sample = self.random_contrast(sample, seed) sample = self.random_flipping(sample, seed) sample = self.random_cropping(sample, seed) if not is_mask: sample = self.random_rotate(sample, seed) # sample = tf.py_function(func=self.random_rotate, inp=[sample, seed], Tout=tf.float32) else: sample = self.random_rotate(sample, seed, 0) # sample = tf.py_function(func=self.random_rotate, inp=[sample, seed, 0], Tout=tf.uint8) return self.pad_to_original_size(sample)