Source code for PrognosAIs.IO.LabelParser

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tensorflow as tf

from PrognosAIs.IO import utils

[docs]class LabelLoader:
[docs] def __init__( self, label_file: str, filter_missing: bool = False, missing_value: int = -1, make_one_hot: bool = False, new_root_path: str = None, ) -> None: """ Create a label loader, that can load the image paths and labels from a text file to be used for a data generator Args: label_file: The label file from which to read the labels filter_missing: Whether missing values should be masked when generating one hot labels and class weights missing_value: If filter_missing is True, this value is used to mask make_one_hot: Whether labels should be transformed to one hot labels new_root_path: If you want to move the files, this will be the new root path """ self.label_file = label_file self.label_data = pd.read_csv(label_file, sep="\t", header=0, index_col=0) self._original_label_data = self.label_data.copy(deep=True) self.filter_missing = filter_missing self.missing_value = missing_value self.make_one_hot = make_one_hot self.one_hot_encoded = False self.new_root_path = new_root_path self.total_weight_sum = 1.0 if self.new_root_path is not None: self.replace_root_path() if self.make_one_hot: self.encode_labels_one_hot() return
[docs] def get_labels(self) -> list: """Get all labels of all samples Args: None Returns: labels: List of labels """ labels = np.squeeze(self.label_data.values) if isinstance(labels, np.ndarray) and labels.size > 1: labels = labels.tolist() elif isinstance(labels, np.ndarray): # Otherwise if it is 1 element it will remove the list, # and return only a string labels = [labels.tolist()] else: labels = [labels] return labels
[docs] def get_samples(self) -> list: """Get all labels of all samples Args: None Returns: samples: List of samples """ return self.label_data.index.to_list()
[docs] def get_data(self) -> dict: """Get all data from the label file Args: None Returns: data: Dictionary mapping each sample to each label """ return self.label_data.to_dict(orient="index")
[docs] def get_label_from_sample(self, sample: str) -> dict: """Get label from a sample Args: sample: The sample from which to get the label Returns: label: Label of the sample """ return self.label_data.loc[sample].to_dict()
[docs] def get_label_categories(self) -> list: """Get categories of labels Args: None Returns: label_categories: Category names """ return self.label_data.columns.to_numpy(copy=True).tolist()
[docs] def get_labels_from_category(self, category_name: str) -> list: """Get labels of a specific category/class Args: category_name: Name of the category/class to get Returns: list: Labels of the category """ return self.label_data[category_name].to_numpy(copy=True).tolist()
[docs] def get_original_labels_from_category(self, category_name: str) -> list: """Get original labels of a specific category/class Args: category_name: Name of the category/class to get Returns: list: Original labels of the category """ return self._original_label_data[category_name].to_numpy(copy=True).tolist()
[docs] def get_label_category_type(self, category_name: str) -> type: """Get the type of a label of a specific category/class Args: category_name: Name of the category/class to get type of Returns: type: Type of the labels of the category """ category_label_type = type(self.label_data[category_name][0]) return category_label_type
[docs] def get_original_label_category_type(self, category_name: str) -> type: """Get the original type of a label of a specific category/class Args: category_name: Name of the category/class to get type of Returns: type: Type of the labels of the category """ category_label_type = type(self._original_label_data[category_name][0]) return category_label_type
[docs] def encode_labels_one_hot(self) -> None: """Encode sample labels as one hot Args: None Returns: None """ if self.one_hot_encoded: return label_categories = self.get_label_categories() for i_label_category in label_categories: category_type = self.get_label_category_type(i_label_category) if np.issubdtype(category_type, np.integer): category_labels = self.get_labels_from_category(i_label_category) category_labels = np.asarray(category_labels) labels_min = np.amin(category_labels) if self.filter_missing and labels_min == self.missing_value: labels_min = np.amin(category_labels[category_labels != self.missing_value]) N_labels = np.amax(category_labels) - labels_min + 1 category_labels -= labels_min one_hot_labels = tf.one_hot(category_labels, N_labels, dtype=tf.int8).numpy() # We need to replace the one hot labels with the value again missing_label_index = np.sum(one_hot_labels, axis=-1) one_hot_labels[missing_label_index == 0] = self.missing_value self.label_data[i_label_category] = one_hot_labels.tolist() self.one_hot_encoded = True return
[docs] def replace_root_path(self) -> None: """Replace the root path of the sample files in case they have been moved to a different a different directory. Args: new_root_path: Path in which the files are now located Returns: None """ if self.new_root_path is not None: samples = self.get_samples() new_root_path = utils.normalize_path(self.new_root_path) for i_i_sample, i_sample in enumerate(samples): old_root_path = utils.get_file_path(i_sample) samples[i_i_sample] = i_sample.replace(old_root_path, new_root_path) self.label_data.index = samples label_categories = self.get_label_categories() for i_label_category in label_categories: if self.get_label_category_type(i_label_category) is str: category_labels = self.get_labels_from_category(i_label_category) for i_i_label, i_label in enumerate(category_labels): old_root_path = utils.get_file_path(i_label) category_labels[i_i_label] = i_label.replace(old_root_path, new_root_path) self.label_data[i_label_category] = category_labels return
[docs] def get_class_weights(self, json_serializable=False) -> dict: """ Get class weights for unbalanced labels Args: None Returns: Scaled_weights: the weights for each class of each label category, scaled such that the total weights*number of samples of each class approximates the total number of samples """ out_scaled_weights = {} for i_label_category in self.get_label_categories(): category_type = self.get_original_label_category_type(i_label_category) if np.issubdtype(category_type, np.integer): category_labels = self.get_original_labels_from_category(i_label_category) category_labels = np.asarray(category_labels) if self.filter_missing: category_labels = category_labels[category_labels != self.missing_value] if self.make_one_hot: category_labels = category_labels - np.amin(category_labels) classes, counts = np.unique(category_labels, return_counts=True) N_samples = len(category_labels) weights = N_samples / (counts * len(classes)) if json_serializable: classes = [str(i_class) for i_class in classes] # Dictionary for each category, with dictionary of weight for each class in that category # This allows for easy input with tensorflow out_scaled_weights[i_label_category] = dict(zip(classes, weights)) else: out_scaled_weights[i_label_category] = None return out_scaled_weights
[docs] def get_number_of_classes_from_category(self, category_name: str) -> int: """ Get number of classes for a label category Args: category_name: Category to get number of classes for Returns: number_of_classes: The number of classes for the category """ category_type = self.get_original_label_category_type(category_name) if np.issubdtype(category_type, np.integer): category_labels = self.get_original_labels_from_category(category_name) category_labels = np.asarray(category_labels) if self.filter_missing: category_labels = category_labels[category_labels != self.missing_value] classes = np.unique(category_labels) number_of_classes = len(classes) else: number_of_classes = -1 return number_of_classes
[docs] def get_number_of_classes(self) -> dict: """ Get number of classes for all categories Args: None Returns: number_of_classes: The number of classes for each category """ number_of_classes = {} for i_label_category in self.get_label_categories(): number_of_classes[i_label_category] = self.get_number_of_classes_from_category( i_label_category ) return number_of_classes
[docs] def get_number_of_samples(self) -> int: """ Get number of samples Args: None Returns: number_of_samples: The number of samples """ return len(self.get_samples())