Source code for PrognosAIs.Preprocessing.Samples

import copy

from abc import ABC
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import List
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk

from PrognosAIs.IO import utils as IO_utils

[docs]class ImageSample(ABC): """ ImageSample base class To be implemented by subclasses: * `init_image_files`: Contains logic for retrieval of channel filepaths * `load_channels`: Contains logic for loading of channels from filepaths * `load_output_channels`: Contains logic for loading of output channels from filepaths * `load_masks`: Contains logic of loading masks from filepaths Args: root_path: Path of the sample. Should contain folders or directories of channels and masks extension_keyword: Extension of the files to load mask_keyword (optional): Keyword to identify which filepaths are masks. Defaults to None. """ def __init__( self, root_path: str, extension_keyword: str = None, mask_keyword: str = None, labels: dict = None, number_of_label_classes: dict = None, are_labels_one_hot: bool = False, output_channel_names: list = [], input_channel_names: list = [] ): self.root_path = copy.deepcopy(root_path) if isinstance(labels, dict): self.labels = [copy.deepcopy(labels)] elif isinstance(labels, list): self.labels = copy.deepcopy(labels) else: self.labels = [{}] if number_of_label_classes is not None: self.number_of_label_classes = copy.deepcopy(number_of_label_classes) else: self.number_of_label_classes = {} self.are_labels_one_hot = copy.deepcopy(are_labels_one_hot) self.mask_keyword = mask_keyword self.sample_name = IO_utils.get_root_name(self.root_path) self.output_channel_names = output_channel_names self.input_channel_names = input_channel_names for i_output_channel_name in self.output_channel_names: self.number_of_label_classes[i_output_channel_name] = -1 if extension_keyword is not None: self.image_extension = extension_keyword else: self.image_extension = "" self.image_files = self.init_image_files() self.channel_files = self._init_channel_files(self.image_files) self.output_channel_files = self._init_output_channel_files(self.image_files) self.mask_files = self._init_mask_files(self.image_files) self.number_of_channels = len(self.channel_files) self.number_of_output_channels = len(self.output_channel_files) self.number_of_masks = len(self.mask_files) self._channels = self.load_channels(self.channel_files) self._output_channels = self.load_channels(self.output_channel_files) self._masks = self.load_masks(self.mask_files) self.has_patches = False self.number_of_patches = 0 self.number_of_output_patches = 0 self.has_masks = self.number_of_masks > 0 self.has_output_channels = self.number_of_output_channels > 0 self._channel_patches = False self._output_channel_patches = False self._mask_patches = False self.update_channel_size() self.update_output_channel_size() self.update_mask_size() self._perform_sanity_checks() example_image = self.get_example_channel() self.original_metadata = { "image_size": example_image.GetSize(), "image_spacing": example_image.GetSpacing(), "image_origin": example_image.GetOrigin(), "image_direction": example_image.GetDirection(), "image": example_image, } self.update_metadata() self.update_labels()
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns a (deep) copy of the instance Returns: ImageSample: Deep copy of the instance """ return self.__class__( root_path=self.root_path, extension_keyword=self.image_extension, mask_keyword=self.mask_keyword, labels=self.labels, number_of_label_classes=self.number_of_label_classes, are_labels_one_hot=self.are_labels_one_hot, output_channel_names=self.output_channel_names, input_channel_names=self.input_channel_names )
[docs] def _perform_sanity_checks(self): """ Automatic sanity check to see if we can process the sample Raises: NotImplementedError: If the configuration has not been implemented """ if self.number_of_masks not in [0, 1, self.number_of_channels]: err_str = """Expect the number of masks to either be 0, 1 or equal to the number of channels but got {}!\nNumber of channels: {}""" raise NotImplementedError(err_str.format(self.number_of_masks, self.number_of_channels))
[docs] def _identify_channel_file(self, image_file: str) -> bool: """ Identify whether an image file should be included as channel Args: image_file: Image file to check Returns: bool: True if image_file is channel, False otherwise """ if len(self.input_channel_names) == 0: return True else: return IO_utils.get_file_name(image_file, self.image_extension) in self.input_channel_names
[docs] def _identify_mask_file(self, image_file: str) -> bool: """ Identify whether an image file is a mask based on the mask keyword Args: image_file: Image file to check Returns: bool: True if image_file is mask, False otherwise """ if self.mask_keyword is None: is_mask_file = False else: is_mask_file = self.mask_keyword in IO_utils.get_root_name(image_file) return is_mask_file
[docs] def _identify_output_channel_file(self, image_file: str) -> bool: """ Identify whether an image file is a output channel Args: image_file: Image file to check Returns: bool: True if image_file is output channel, False otherwise """ return IO_utils.get_file_name(image_file, self.image_extension) in self.output_channel_names
[docs] @abstractmethod def init_image_files(self) -> list: """ Get the filepaths (folders or files) of the channels for a single sample. To be implemented by the subclass Returns: list: The filepaths of the channels """
[docs] @abstractmethod def load_channels(self, channel_files: list) -> dict: """ Load the channels from the channel files. To be implemented by the subclass Example subclass implementation:: def load_channels(self, channel_files): channels = {} nifti_reader = sitk.ImageFileReader() nifti_reader.SetImageIO("NiftiImageIO") for i_channel_file in channel_files: nifti_reader.SetFileName(i_channel_file) i_channel = nifti_reader.Execute() i_channel_name = os.path.basename(i_channel_file) channels[i_channel_name] = i_channel return channels Args: channel_files (list): Paths to the channels to be loaded Returns: dict: mapping the channel file to the loaded image """
[docs] @abstractmethod def load_masks(self, mask_files: list) -> dict: """ Load the masks from the mask files. To be implemented by the subclass Example subclass implementation:: def load_masks(self, mask_files): masks = {} nifti_reader = sitk.ImageFileReader() nifti_reader.SetImageIO("NiftiImageIO") for i_mask_file in mask_files: nifti_reader.SetFileName(i_mask_file) i_mask = nifti_reader.Execute() i_mask = sitk.Cast(i_mask, sitk.sitkUInt8) i_mask_name = IO_utils.get_file_name(i_mask_file, self.image_extension) masks[i_mask_name] = i_mask return masks Args: mask_files (list): Paths to the masks to be loaded Returns: dict: mapping the mask file to the loaded mask """
[docs] def _init_channel_files(self, image_files: list) -> list: """ Get only the channel files from the image files, filtering out masks. Args: image_files (list): Paths to the image files Returns: list: The paths to the channel files """ channel_files = [ i_image_file for i_image_file in image_files if ( not self._identify_mask_file(i_image_file) and not self._identify_output_channel_file(i_image_file) and self._identify_channel_file(i_image_file) ) ] return channel_files
[docs] def _init_output_channel_files(self, image_files: list) -> list: """ Get the output channel files from the image files. Args: image_files (list): Paths to the image files Returns: list: The paths to the output channel files """ output_channel_files = [ i_image_file for i_image_file in image_files if ( not self._identify_mask_file(i_image_file) and self._identify_output_channel_file(i_image_file) ) ] return output_channel_files
[docs] def _init_mask_files(self, image_files: list) -> list: """ Get only the mask files from the image files, filtering out channels. Args: image_files (list): Paths to the image files Returns: list: The paths to the mask files """ mask_files = [ i_image_file for i_image_file in image_files if self._identify_mask_file(i_image_file) ] return mask_files
@property def channel_size(self) -> np.ndarray: """ The image size of the channels """ return self._channel_size @channel_size.setter def channel_size(self, channel_size): self._channel_size = np.asarray(channel_size)
[docs] def update_channel_size(self): """ Update the channel size according to the current channels """ example_channel = self.get_example_channel() if example_channel is not None: self.channel_size = example_channel.GetSize() self.number_of_dimensions = len(example_channel.GetSize()) else: self.channel_size = None self.number_of_dimensions = None
@property def output_channel_size(self) -> np.ndarray: """ The image size of the channels """ return self._output_channel_size @output_channel_size.setter def output_channel_size(self, output_channel_size): self._output_channel_size = np.asarray(output_channel_size)
[docs] def update_output_channel_size(self): """ Update the channel size according to the current channels """ example_channel = self.get_example_output_channel() if example_channel is not None: self.output_channel_size = example_channel.GetSize() self.output_number_of_dimensions = len(example_channel.GetSize()) else: self.output_channel_size = None self.output_number_of_dimensions = None
@property def mask_size(self) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]: """The image size of the masks.""" if self.has_masks: return self._mask_size return None @mask_size.setter def mask_size(self, mask_size) -> None: if self.has_masks: self._mask_size = np.asarray(mask_size)
[docs] def update_mask_size(self) -> None: """ Update the mask size according to the current masks """ if self.has_masks: example_mask = self.get_example_mask() if example_mask is not None: self.mask_size = example_mask.GetSize() else: self.mask_size = None
[docs] def update_metadata(self) -> None: example_patches = self.get_example_channel_patches() self.metadata = [] for i_patch in example_patches: # If the dimensionality changes then we need to do a little trick # we always just get the first dimension # TODO allow recontrsuction from multi-dimensional images if self.original_metadata["image"].GetDimension() > i_patch.GetDimension(): patch_index = self.original_metadata["image"].TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( i_patch.GetOrigin() + (0,), ) else: patch_index = self.original_metadata["image"].TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( i_patch.GetOrigin(), ) i_metadata = { "patch_size": i_patch.GetSize(), "patch_direction": i_patch.GetDirection(), "patch_origin": i_patch.GetOrigin(), "patch_spacing": i_patch.GetSpacing(), "patch_index": patch_index, } self.metadata.append(i_metadata)
[docs] def update_labels(self) -> None: if len(self.labels) < self.number_of_patches: new_labels = [] for _ in range(self.number_of_patches): new_labels.append(copy.deepcopy(self.labels[0])) self.labels = new_labels
[docs] def add_to_labels( self, to_add_labels: List[dict], to_add_number_of_label_classes: dict ) -> None: # If the user parses just a dict, we fix this here if isinstance(to_add_labels, dict): to_add_labels = [to_add_labels] if len(to_add_labels) != 1 and len(to_add_labels) != self.number_of_patches: err_msg = ( "Labels to add should have either length 1 or length equal to" " number of patches.\n" "Number of patches is {}, but you have supplied {} labels.\n" "Please check your code and try again." ).format(self.number_of_patches, len(to_add_labels)) raise ValueError(err_msg) if len(to_add_labels) == 1 and self.has_patches: to_add_labels = to_add_labels * self.number_of_patches for i_label, i_to_add_label in zip(self.labels, to_add_labels): i_label.update(i_to_add_label) self.number_of_label_classes.update(to_add_number_of_label_classes)
[docs] def _parse_function_parameters(self, function_parameters): """ Parse the function parameters Args: function_parameters (function or tuple): Function and possible args and kw_args. Returns: tuple: function, args, and kw_args """ if isinstance(function_parameters, tuple): if len(function_parameters) == 2: function = function_parameters[0] if isinstance(function_parameters[1], list): arguments = function_parameters[1] kw_arguments = {} elif isinstance(function_parameters[1], dict): arguments = [] kw_arguments = function_parameters[1] elif len(function_parameters) == 3: function = function_parameters[0] if isinstance(function_parameters[1], list): arguments = function_parameters[1] kw_arguments = function_parameters[2] else: arguments = function_parameters[2] kw_arguments = function_parameters[1] else: function = function_parameters arguments = [] kw_arguments = {} return function, arguments, kw_arguments
@property def channels(self) -> list: """ The channels present in the sample Channels of a sample can be set by providing either a function, or a tuple consisting of a function, possible function argument and function keyword arguments. This function will then be applied to all channels in the sample. The function has to output either a SimpleITK Image or a list. In the last case it is assumed that these are patches and the class is updated accordingly Returns: list: Channels present in the sample """ return [value for key, value in sorted(self._channels.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])] @channels.setter def channels(self, function_parameters): ( function, function_arguments, function_kw_arguments, ) = self._parse_function_parameters(function_parameters) example_function_output = function( self.get_example_channel(), *function_arguments, **function_kw_arguments ) returns_patches = isinstance(example_function_output, list) if self._channel_patches and not returns_patches: for i_channel_name in self.channel_names: for i_i_patch, i_patch in enumerate(self._channels[i_channel_name]): self._channels[i_channel_name][i_i_patch] = function( i_patch, *function_arguments, **function_kw_arguments ) else: channel_items = sorted(self._channels.items(), key=lambda item: item[0]) if not returns_patches: # We already have the first example, so we can use it for efficiency # If the function does return patches we should pass all patches at once # So we still need to calculate the output self._channels[channel_items[0][0]] = example_function_output channel_items = channel_items[1:] for i_i_channel, (i_channel_name, i_channel) in enumerate(channel_items): self._channels[i_channel_name] = function( i_channel, *function_arguments, **function_kw_arguments ) if returns_patches: self.has_patches = True self._channel_patches = True self.number_of_patches = len(self.get_example_channel_patches()) self._number_of_channel_patches = len(self.get_example_channel_patches()) self.update_channel_size() self.update_metadata() self.update_labels() @property def output_channels(self) -> list: """ The output channels present in the sample Output channels of a sample can be set by providing either a function, or a tuple consisting of a function, possible function argument and function keyword arguments. This function will then be applied to all output channels in the sample. The function has to output either a SimpleITK Image or a list. In the last case it is assumed that these are patches and the class is updated accordingly Returns: list: Channels present in the sample """ return [value for key, value in sorted(self._output_channels.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])] @output_channels.setter def output_channels(self, function_parameters): if self.has_output_channels: ( function, function_arguments, function_kw_arguments, ) = self._parse_function_parameters(function_parameters) example_function_output = function( self.get_example_output_channel(), *function_arguments, **function_kw_arguments ) returns_patches = isinstance(example_function_output, list) if self._output_channel_patches and not returns_patches: for i_output_channel_name in self.output_channel_names: for i_i_patch, i_patch in enumerate(self._output_channels[i_output_channel_name]): self._output_channels[i_output_channel_name][i_i_patch] = function( i_patch, *function_arguments, **function_kw_arguments ) else: output_channel_items = sorted(self._output_channels.items(), key=lambda item: item[0]) if not returns_patches: # We already have the first example, so we can use it for efficiency # If the function does return patches we should pass all patches at once # So we still need to calculate the output self._output_channels[output_channel_items[0][0]] = example_function_output output_channel_items = output_channel_items[1:] for i_output_channel_name, i_output_channel in output_channel_items: self._output_channels[i_output_channel_name] = function( i_output_channel, *function_arguments, **function_kw_arguments ) if returns_patches: self.has_patches = True self._output_channel_patches = True self.number_of_output_patches = len(self.get_example_output_channel_patches()) self._number_of_output_channel_patches = len(self.get_example_output_channel_patches()) self.update_output_channel_size() self.update_metadata() self.update_labels() @property def masks(self): """ The masks present in the sample Masks of a sample can be set by providing either a function, or a tuple consisting of a function, possible function argument and function keyword arguments. This function will then be applied to all masks in the sample. The function has to output either a SimpleITK Image or a list. In the last case it is assumed that these are patches and the class is updated accordingly Returns: list: masks present in the sample """ return [value for key, value in sorted(self._masks.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])] @masks.setter def masks(self, function_parameters): if self.has_masks: ( function, function_arguments, function_kw_arguments, ) = self._parse_function_parameters(function_parameters) example_function_output = function( self.get_example_mask(), *function_arguments, **function_kw_arguments ) returns_patches = isinstance(example_function_output, list) if self._mask_patches and not returns_patches: for i_mask_name in self.mask_names: for i_i_patch, i_patch in enumerate(self._masks[i_mask_name]): self._masks[i_mask_name][i_i_patch] = function( i_patch, *function_arguments, **function_kw_arguments ) else: for i_mask_name, i_mask in self._masks.items(): self._masks[i_mask_name] = function( i_mask, *function_arguments, **function_kw_arguments ) if returns_patches: self.has_patches = True self._mask_patches = True self._number_of_mask_patches = len(self.get_example_channel_patches()) self.number_of_patches = len(self.get_example_mask_patches()) self.update_mask_size() self.update_metadata() self.update_labels() @property def channel_names(self) -> list: """ Names of the channels Returns: list: Channel names """ return [key for key in sorted(self._channels.keys())] @property def mask_names(self) -> list: """ Names of the masks Returns: list: Mask names """ return [key for key in sorted(self._masks.keys())]
[docs] def get_example_channel(self) -> sitk.Image: """ Provides an example channel of the samples Returns: sitk.Image: Single channel of the sample """ example = self.channels[0] if self._channel_patches and self._number_of_channel_patches > 0: example = example[0] elif self._channel_patches: # If we removed all patches, we will return None return None return sitk.Image(example)
[docs] def get_example_output_channel(self) -> sitk.Image: """ Provides an example output channel of the samples Returns: sitk.Image: Single channel of the sample """ if self.has_output_channels: example = self.output_channels[0] if self._output_channel_patches and self._number_of_output_channel_patches > 0: example = example[0] elif self._output_channel_patches: # If we removed all patches, we will return None return None example = sitk.Image(example) else: example = None return example
[docs] def get_example_mask(self) -> sitk.Image: """ Provides an example mask of the samples Returns: sitk.Image: Single mask of the sample """ if self.has_masks: example = self.masks[0] if self._mask_patches and self._number_of_mask_patches > 0: example = example[0] elif self._mask_patches: return None example = sitk.Image(example) else: example = None return example
[docs] def get_example_channel_patches(self) -> list: """ Provides an example of all patches of a channel, even if there is only one patch Returns: list: Patch(es) of a single channel of the sample """ temp_example = self.channels[0] if not self._channel_patches: temp_example = [temp_example] # We ensure we make a copy so no operations are done on the # real sample example = [] for i_patch in temp_example: example.append(sitk.Image(i_patch)) return example
[docs] def get_example_output_channel_patches(self) -> list: """ Provides an example of all patches of a output channel, even if there is only one patch Returns: list: Patch(es) of a single output channel of the sample """ temp_example = self.output_channels[0] if not self._output_channel_patches: temp_example = [temp_example] # We ensure we make a copy so no operations are done on the # real sample example = [] for i_patch in temp_example: example.append(sitk.Image(i_patch)) return example
[docs] def get_example_mask_patches(self) -> list: """ Provides an example of all patches of a mask, even if there is only one patch Returns: list: Patch(es) of a single mask of the sample """ if self.has_masks: temp_example = self.masks[0] if not self._mask_patches: temp_example = [temp_example] # We ensure we make a copy so no operations are done on the # real sample example = [] for i_patch in temp_example: example.append(sitk.Image(i_patch)) else: example = [None] return example
[docs] def assert_all_channels_same_size(self): """ Check wheter all channels have the same size Raises: ValueError: Raised when not all channels have same size """ default_size = self.channel_size same_size = [] for i_channel in self.channels: if self.has_patches: i_channel = i_channel[0] same_size.append(all(i_channel.GetSize() == default_size)) if not all(same_size): raise ValueError("Not all channels have the same size, cannot continue!")
[docs] def assert_all_masks_same_size(self): """ Check wheter all masks have the same size Raises: ValueError: Raised when not all masks have same size """ if self.has_masks: default_size = self.mask_size same_size = [] for i_mask in self.masks: if self.has_patches: i_mask = i_mask[0] same_size.append(all(i_mask.GetSize() == default_size)) if not all(same_size): raise ValueError("Not all masks have the same size, cannot continue!")
[docs] def get_grouped_channels(self) -> list: """ Groups the channels on a per-patch basis instead of a per-channel basis The channels property indexes first by channel and then by (possibly) patches. This function instead first indexes by patches (or the whole sample of no patches). This can be handy when all channels are needed at the same time Returns: list: Grouped channels for each patch """ grouped_channels = [] if self.has_patches: channels = self.channels for i_patch in range(self.number_of_patches): grouped_channels.append( [channels[i_channel][i_patch] for i_channel in range(self.number_of_channels)] ) elif self.channels: grouped_channels.append(self.channels) else: # We dont have any channels grouped_channels = [] return grouped_channels
[docs] def get_grouped_output_channels(self) -> list: """ Groups the output channels on a per-patch basis instead of a per-channel basis The channels property indexes first by channel and then by (possibly) patches. This function instead first indexes by patches (or the whole sample of no patches). This can be handy when all channels are needed at the same time Returns: list: Grouped channels for each patch """ grouped_output_channels = [] if self.has_patches: output_channels = self.output_channels for i_patch in range(self.number_of_patches): grouped_output_channels.append( [output_channels[i_output_channel][i_patch] for i_output_channel in range(self.number_of_output_channels)] ) elif self.output_channels: grouped_output_channels.append(self.output_channels) else: # We dont have any channels grouped_output_channels = [] return grouped_output_channels
[docs] def get_grouped_masks(self) -> list: """ Groups the masks on a per-patch basis instead of a per-channel basis The masks property indexes first by channel and then by (possibly) patches. This function instead first indexes by patches (or the whole sample of no patches). This can be handy when all masks are needed at the same time Returns: list: Grouped channels for each patch. Empty lists if sample doesn't have mask """ grouped_masks = [] if self.has_patches: masks = self.masks for i_patch in range(self.number_of_patches): grouped_masks.append( [masks[i_mask][i_patch] for i_mask in range(self.number_of_masks)] ) else: grouped_masks.append(self.masks) return grouped_masks
[docs] @staticmethod def get_sitk_type_from_numpy_type(numpy_type: np.dtype) -> int: conversion_table = { "uint8": sitk.sitkUInt8, "uint16": sitk.sitkUInt16, "uint32": sitk.sitkUInt32, "uint64": sitk.sitkUInt64, "int8": sitk.sitkInt8, "int16": sitk.sitkInt16, "int32": sitk.sitkInt32, "int64": sitk.sitkInt64, # Simple ITK doesnt support float16 "float16": sitk.sitkFloat32, "float32": sitk.sitkFloat32, "float64": sitk.sitkFloat64, } return conversion_table[str(numpy_type)]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_numpy_type_from_sitk_type(sitk_type: int) -> np.dtype: conversion_table = { sitk.sitkUInt8: "uint8", sitk.sitkUInt16: "uint16", sitk.sitkUInt32: "uint32", sitk.sitkUInt64: "uint64", sitk.sitkInt8: "int8", sitk.sitkInt16: "int16", sitk.sitkInt32: "int32", sitk.sitkInt64: "int64", # Simple ITK doesnt support float16 sitk.sitkFloat32: "float32", sitk.sitkFloat64: "float64", } return conversion_table[sitk_type]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_appropiate_dtype_from_scalar( value: Union[int, float], return_np_type: bool = False ) -> Union[int, np.dtype]: """ Find the minimum SimpleITK type need to represent the value Args: value (float): The value to check return_np_type (bool): If True returns the numpy type instead of the SimpleITK type. Defaults to False. Returns: int: The appropiate SimpleITK to which the value can be casted """ # Add 1e10 to make sure that very large values are still converted to floats # Otherwise we have a problem when the value is larger than the maximum value # of a uint64 if isinstance(value, float) and value.is_integer() and value < 1e10: value = int(value) appropiate_dtype = np.min_scalar_type(value) if not return_np_type: appropiate_dtype = ImageSample.get_sitk_type_from_numpy_type(appropiate_dtype) return appropiate_dtype
[docs] @staticmethod def get_appropiate_dtype_from_image(image: sitk.Image) -> int: """ Find the minimum SimpleITK type need to represent the value Args: value (float): The value to check Returns: int: The appropiate SimpleITK to which the value can be casted """ datatypes = [ "uint8", "uint16", "uint32", "uint64", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64", "float16", "float32", "float64", ] image_array = sitk.GetArrayViewFromImage(image) min_image_value = np.amin(image_array) max_image_value = np.amax(image_array) has_only_integers = np.array_equal(image_array, image_array.astype( if has_only_integers: min_image_value = int(min_image_value) max_image_value = int(max_image_value) min_type = ImageSample.get_appropiate_dtype_from_scalar( min_image_value, return_np_type=True ) # If the max value also fits within this type we are done. # Otherwise we might get too big of a type (e.g. when min = -10 and max = 10, it will give int16 instead of int8) # when promoting types if np.can_cast(max_image_value, min_type): data_type = min_type else: test_array = np.asarray([min_image_value, max_image_value]) for i_data_type in datatypes: if np.array_equal(test_array, test_array.astype(i_data_type)): data_type = i_data_type break else: # In the case of floats we need to make sure that the whole range fits in a float if min_image_value < 0: value_range = max_image_value - min_image_value else: value_range = max_image_value range_data_type = ImageSample.get_appropiate_dtype_from_scalar( value_range, return_np_type=True ) # If the min/max values are int, here we make sure that we cast it to at least a float data_type = np.promote_types(range_data_type, np.float32) return ImageSample.get_sitk_type_from_numpy_type(data_type)
[docs] @staticmethod def promote_simpleitk_types(type_1: int, type_2: int) -> int: """ Get the datatype that can represent both datatypes Args: type_1 (int): SimpleITK datype of variable 1 type_2 (int): SimpleITK datatype of variable 2 Returns: int: SimpleITK datatype that can represent both datatypes """ np_type_1 = ImageSample.get_numpy_type_from_sitk_type(type_1) np_type_2 = ImageSample.get_numpy_type_from_sitk_type(type_2) np_common_type = np.promote_types(np_type_1, np_type_2) sitk_common_type = ImageSample.get_sitk_type_from_numpy_type(np_common_type) return sitk_common_type
[docs]class NIFTISample(ImageSample): def __init__(self, **kwds): if "extension_keyword" not in kwds: kwds["extension_keyword"] = ".nii" super().__init__(**kwds)
[docs] def load_channels(self, channel_files): channels = {} nifti_reader = sitk.ImageFileReader() nifti_reader.SetImageIO("NiftiImageIO") for i_channel_file in channel_files: nifti_reader.SetFileName(i_channel_file) i_channel = nifti_reader.Execute() i_channel_name = IO_utils.get_file_name(i_channel_file, self.image_extension) channel_dtype = self.get_appropiate_dtype_from_image(i_channel) # Channel has to be at minimum float32 because of pre-processing operations channel_dtype = self.promote_simpleitk_types(channel_dtype, sitk.sitkFloat32) i_channel = sitk.Cast(i_channel, channel_dtype) channels[i_channel_name] = i_channel return channels
[docs] def load_masks(self, mask_files): masks = {} nifti_reader = sitk.ImageFileReader() nifti_reader.SetImageIO("NiftiImageIO") for i_mask_file in mask_files: nifti_reader.SetFileName(i_mask_file) i_mask = nifti_reader.Execute() mask_dtype = self.get_appropiate_dtype_from_image(i_mask) i_mask = sitk.Cast(i_mask, mask_dtype) i_mask_name = IO_utils.get_file_name(i_mask_file, self.image_extension) masks[i_mask_name] = i_mask return masks
[docs] def init_image_files(self): image_files = IO_utils.find_files_with_extension(self.root_path, self.image_extension) return image_files
[docs]def get_sample_class(sample_type_name: str): if sample_type_name == "nifti": return NIFTISample